Saturday, June 25, 2011

June 25th, 2011: YAY, COMCAST!

Great news! I got rid of my cable television! Instead of paying Comcast more money for less channels than I got before the "digital" conversion, I am now paying less money for Netflix, Hulu Plus, a digital antenna and an internet connection! Life is complet- oh, shit. I forgot about Adult Swim! EGADS! Ah, well. Just a light update about a little bit of me. Now, if only H. John Benjamin were in more things... Bob's Burgers marathon, it is.

The Vodka's coming along nicely... they're all taking some serious colors. I figure once I filter and strain the vodka, they'll all return to a fairly clear color. Who knows? The chocolate one looks disgusting... like a jar of diarrhea. Am I keeping jars of diarrhea in my basement? Don't tell my land lord.

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