I know, fair reader, that if you could speak to me, you would say something along the lines of "Why wouldst thou partake of the restaurant 'DP Dough' after you so vehemently lambasted them not but a fortnight past?" to which I would reply "Shut up, Billy Shakes, no one cares about your opinion on this subject! Did they even HAVE calzones in 1600? Didn't think so, why don't you just go write a play about the invention of calzones? Oh, you can't? TOO BAD! Now, why don't you go get rescued by the Four of the Fantastick and sail to the end of the world with Count Otto Von Doom!"
And then the doctor comes with the pills that make the voices stop.
With 7 days left in Normal, I've decided that I should partake of some of the trusted institutions of ISU student life before I leave, one of them being DP Dough. A must visit restaurant for any student down here. I never got the draw of it, so I never went very much. I think this is the third time I'll have eaten it. It's decent, I guess. Nothing too super, but it gets the job done. It is a massive amount of food, though. Does cost a bit more than one would anticipate.
So, here I sit: Rum and Coke and Calzone with X-men on. Cause, well, Thor was out at The Movie Fan and I want to watch me up some Marvel films. X-men: First Class didn't sit with me too well, a lot of the film felt shoe-horned in. It was a fun time, and the casting was pretty decent, but it followed such a contrived plot line, that I couldn't love it. Kevin Bacon was not a believable Sebastian Shaw and I felt like January Jones was just... yerg. It was like "let's get that chick from Madmen in here and make people go, "it's the 60s!" And then Alex Summers? In his twenties? In the 60s? Bullshit, Marvel. Dude's older brother is in his thirties in 2000, no way Alex should be that old then! And he throws discs of crazy laser-ness? NO! Dude shoots kinetic energy out of his body, not frisbees of laser. And why the hell have I still not seen Gambit in anything?! (Not counting the dreadful Wolverine: Origins film, which reminds me: I should read me up some Wolverine: Origin, tonight. What a great book!) So, Marvel, after taking X-men and ramming it up my ass with three poorly though out films in a row, I'm going to give you one last chance with the Avengers. Although, I quite like Jon Favreau's treatment of Iron Man, and I did like the second Hulk movie (to an extent). And I've yet to see Captain America. But the Punisher reboot? God, no. Bring back Tom Jane! Do it! Throw him in the Avengers! And reboot Daredevil properly. Give it back to Kevin Smith, he'll make Ben Affleck kick ass! I really liked him as Matt Murdock (anyone ever realize that his middle name is Micheal? He's Matthew Micheal Murdock... god.... old Marvel with the alliteration). Wait... as I sit here and think about Marvel films...
No... two good X-men films, two good Spider-man films, one decent Punisher, one ok Hulk, one ok Iron Man... They really don't make good films, do they? Ah, well. I'll just read old comics and pretend like the world is a good place.
What an odd post. Odd odd odd odd odd. Time to read Marvel's Civil War and maybe watch me up a Punisher movie. Or what-not. Nerd time!
edit: I totally just realized that I made a totally bad ass Marvel 1602 reference, AWESOME!
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