Well, here I am. Not posting about food again... just posting. I have a 7:30 meeting tomorrow morning, then a barbecue about 2 hours away, which I'll probably find myself slightly inebriated on beer with some old friends. Something that I need. So, I figured I'd do a Q&A while I try to drink as much Miller Lite as I can before I go to bed at Midnight. BEGIN!
(q) Dear Thom, I liked your blog when it was about food. Now it's inconsistant. Painfully so. As well, you're not posting about food, what gives?
(a) Well, as you've probably seen, I recently got dumped... or broken up with... whatever, with my live in girlfriend. I was intending to propose by the end of the year, but I guess things didn't work out quite the way they should. I've been burying myself in World of Warcraft (come join me on Blood Furnace!), work and drinking to try and keep myself a float. Being in my apartment is good for little more than reminding me of how much I failed at life, so I try to avoid it. So, hopefully I'll get cooking again, soon. I'll probably pick a few Claire Robinson recipes to make.

(q) I see that you take terrible pictures of your food and have "art" pictures, mind if I ask what kind of camera you have?
(a) certainly not. The old pictures are taken using a Sony Point'n'shit that belonged to my ex. I recently picked up a Rebel T3 (yeah, the starter level camera, I know...) which is matched up to one of three lenses. A Sigma 40-75 Macro (which is broken right now), a Canon EF 35-105 and the T3 18-55 kit lens. Prior to that I shot with a Rebel G (35mm) and an XTi. Going from 35mm and the old DSLR made the T3 seems like an amazingly sweet fucking camera. I'm relearning composition and form, so, bare with me on this.
(q) I see you use Revereware pots and pans, mind if I ask where you got them, they're hard to find.
(a) they came from my Grandmother's basement, maybe you should have read the blog before e-mailing me, imaginary reader. See this

(q) So, you play music? What kind of music do you play? What do you like?
(a) Like I've said multiple times on the blog, I've co-opted the country lifestyle. I love country music. Stuff like Bob Dylan, Damien Rice, Fionn Reagan and Conor Oberst is actually my absolute favorite. The last couple open mics I've played, I've played songs by those artists. I also enjoy third wave emo and 90's So-Cal punk. But, I guess... I literally like all types of music. If it's good music, I like it.
(q) Why do you work so much? Where do you work?
(a) For obvious reasons, I won't answer the second part. But, for the most part, I work so much because after Blair left me, the apartment echos with every bad decision I've ever made. Working 35-40 hours a week is the best way that I can stay out of the bad places of my brain right now. As well, I need to makes my money. You know? I do.
(q) Why are you doing a fake Q&A session?
(a) cause I'm bored and felt like making a post and didn't know what to do.

(q) What is your favorite beer?
(a) It depends. I really like to drink American Lagers like Miller Lite, PBR and Old Style when I'm looking for a good time. But, honestly, my favorite beers are almost always a nice, hoppy IPA. Hop Ness Monster is a good one, so is the Crooked Tree Double IPA. I highly suggest them. Lagunita's Hop Stoopid Ale is a little too much for me, same goes for the Two Brothers' IPA. I prefer to drink like a gentleman.
(q) What is your favorite Whiskey?
(a) Well, this is a two part question. I greatly enjoy Bourbon. I find Evan Williams to be very drinkable for a cheap price, but it kicks like a mule on acid. My favorite two bourbons are Maker's Mark or Wild Turkey. I have a distaste for Maker's Mark due to the fact that it was my "couch" whiskey when I was in a bad place a few years ago. When I say "couch" whiskey, I mean that there was a bottle under the couch that I'd take a hit from every once in a while. Wow, I'm sad. My favorite Irish Whiskey is actually Sullivan's. It's a very flavorful whiskey with a sweet touch to it. I love it. I drink my whiskey like a gentleman, now, though.
(q) So, you like to cook, what else do you like to do?
(a) A lot of things. I'm a well rounded individual. I enjoy shooting, cooking, videogames, playing guitar and eating at fine establishments.

(q) I noticed in one of your old posts you referenced a ".22," do you shoot guns?
(a) Yes, I do. I own several guns and enjoy the time I spend at the range. I enjoy it because it takes a 15 minute drive in the country to get to the range, I turn my phone off and for an hour, the only thing that truly matters in the world is the piece of paper 30 feet from me or the clay pigeons I'm shooting at. Yesterday, actually, I ran about 200 rounds through a Bersa .380 that left my hand bruised and tattered. I literally can't make a tight fist with it. Pictured is my awesome Spam Can of Bulgarian 7.62x54r.
(q) OMG! u have a rabit! sooooo cute!
(a) Yes... her name is Toki Wartooth. She's actually a boy, but recently got her testicles taken away, so she's a girl again. She is a beautiful chinchilla coat Mini-Rex who I wanted to take to rabbit shows until I found out she was a he and had to get him altered. Pronoun explosion.

(q) What is your favorite recipe that you ever cooked?
(a) oh... boy... this is a tough one... what do I say? I mean, the
Chicken Fried Steak was probably one of the best recipes I've made. It truly impressed me. I didn't realize that I could cook like that. My favorite recipe that's an original of mine is
my Pepper Jack burger.(q) What is your favorite restaurant?
(a) Well, imaginary reader, my favorite restaurant depends on where I am. Station 220 in Bloomington is my favorite in Central Illinois. But, I honestly can't forget about Las Palmas in Naperville. Best Mexican ever.
And, here is the conclusion of the post: look at all the fucking ranch sauce I got at Denny's with my chicken wrap! WHAT THE FUCK!