Mood: Antipathy
Listening to: Bowerbirds
Wow, remember that? Live Journal nostalgia time.
Well, right now, I'm running dangerously low on money (I'm talking about $15 more than I owe for rent in two days in my bank account), so, shits wack, yo. So, I doubt I'll be doing anything exciting in the next 9 days. I'm currently sitting on a fridge stocked with frozen white fish, two chicken tenderloins and a package of hotdogs... so, we'll see how I do.
Luckily, I have friends in low places where the whiskey drowns and the beer chases my blues away, I'll be ok.
She described a meal that she'd had in Okinawa that was a plate half curry and half rice with a breaded piece of meat in the middle. I couldn't make sense of what the
The curry was simply boiled in bag. I was a little disappointed in that fact, but, curry is hard to make. I feel like, aside from the chicken, this was a very "pre-made" meal, but, fuck was it delicious. I don't eat Indian food very often, because of my sensitive stomach. I once had to drop a class because of eating Indian food, but that's a story for another time.
The evening culminated in watching Archer and Home Movies with friends, cause...

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